Residential Training.
We train dogs in a positive manner utilising many of the instincts dogs naturally possess to our advantage. We don’t automatically follow all the latest trends in dog training. Rather than we evaluate them and judge against known tried and tested techniques. For dogs it’s both a beneficial and enjoyable experience that sets you up for life. If you would like to book a consultation please contact us.
Four week course
The basics.
This course is usually able to turn most dogs around. The aim of the initial consultation is for all parties to reach a consensus that the four week stay is appropriate. It cannot in any way be anything more than an overview of your current situation. We may be able to give you an insight into where you’ve gone wrong and then also how we may set about improving you and your dogs quality of life!!
All booking arrangements to be made by contacting us.
The stay.
During the stay we aim to get the dog to the best place possible in a way that produces a focused dog that can switch between excitement where appropriate and back to calm when thats the more appropriate state. Many of todays training methods can produce an over motivated dog at the wrong times. I think this stems from the fact that most training classes are run by people who have their own dogs as a sport dog for their hobby and don’t understand the subtle but important differences needed for a good family pet.